{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "LANDUSE_Landcover", "guid": "AB525573-68B3-4CA0-A649-4C143C8BBEFA", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The following is a version of the Anderson Land Use/Land Cover classification adopted by Penn State University (Land Analysis Lab) for the Chesapeake Bay Basin Land Cover/Land Use Monitoring and Assessment Study. ", "description": "100\tUrban or Built-Up Land\n\n110\tResidential\nHigh to low density urban residential and linear development along roads and shorelines. Also includes residential areas on military bases and school grounds, when larger than minimum mapping unit. Includes associated structures, driveways and lawn areas.\n\n111\tSingle Family Dwellings\n112\tMulti-Family Dwellings\nIncludes duplexes, 4-plexes, apartment buildings and high rises.\n113\tGroup Quarters\nIncludes nursing homes, barracks and dormitories.\n114\tMobile Home Parks/Courts\n119\tOther Residential\n\n120\tCommercial\nAreas used predominantly for the sale of products and services.\n\n121\tRetail Sales/Wholesale/Professional Services\nIncludes stores, shopping strips and malls, motels, restaurants, office buildings and associated driveways, sheds, landscaped areas and parking lots under the minimum mapping unit.\n122\tVehicle Related Activities\nIncludes garages, vehicle sales, gas stations and auto paint and body shops.\n123\tJunk/Salvage Yards\nIncludes auto junkyards, scrap metal salvage operations, and related activities.\n125\tWarehouses and Temporary Storage\n129\tOther Commercial\n\n130\tIndustrial\n\n131\tPrimary Processing at Extraction Site and Extraction Equipment\nIncludes processing facilities, loading devices, access roads, stockpiles, storage sheds and parking lots found at resource extraction sites, including oil, gas, ore, coal, timber.\n132\tLight Industry\nFocused on design, assembly, finishing, processing and packaging of products. Generally have few to no lagoons, stockpiles of raw materials or waste disposal areas.\n133\tHeavy Industry \nUses raw materials. Stockpiles, lagoons, waste disposal areas, transportation facilities for bulk products are often present.\nC - Chemical Related - plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc.\nP - Petroleum Related - refining\nM - Metals - refining, shaping\nW - Wood Processing - pulp and paper, sawmills, wood treatment\nB - Brick, Concrete, Block\n134\tElectrical Generation\nN - Nuclear\n0 - Oil\nG - Gas\nC - Coal\nH - Hydro-Electric\n135\tTank Farms and Materials Storage\nIncludes tank farms, stockpiles and bins of materials away from industrial facilities and/or larger than the minimum mapping unit.\n136\tIndustrial Waste Treatment/Recycling, Facilities\n137\tInactive/Dismantled Industrial Site\n139\tOther Industrial\n\n140\tTransportation/Communication\n\n141\tHighways/Roads/Access Roads/Freeways/Interstates\n142\tParking Lots\nOnly those parking lots that exceed the minimum mapping unit.\n143\tRailroads\nX - Dismantled Railroads\nY - Railyards, Repair Facilities\nIncludes stations, parking lots, and repair and switching yards.\n144\tAirports\nIncludes runways, intervening land, terminals, service buildings, navigational aids, fuel storage, parking lots and a limited buffer zone.\n145\tCommunications - antennas\n146\tMarinas/Port Facilities/Docks\n149\tOther Transportation/Communication\n\n150\tUtilities\nFacilities involved in treatment, transportation, and delivery of water, gas, oil, and electricity.\n\n151\tWater Treatment\nDoes not include reservoirs.\n152\tSewage Treatment Plants\n153\tPower Substations\n\n\n186\tReligious\n187\tMunicipal Services\nIncludes police and fire stations.\n188\tRoad repair and Maintenance Yard\n189\tOther Institutional/Governmental\n\n190\tRecreational\n\n191\tLarge Single Structure\nIncludes stadiums and race tracks.\n192\tMultiple Structure\nIncludes fairgrounds, amusement parks, zoos, and piers.\n193\tOpen Urban\nIncludes parks, playgrounds, golf courses, athletic fields, drive-in theaters and swimming pools.\n194\tOpen Rural\nIncludes ski areas and camp grounds.\n195\tPublic Beaches\nIncludes only those beaches with associated boardwalks.\n199\tOther Recreational\n\n\n\n200\tAgriculture\n\n210\tCropland and Pasture\n\n211\tCropland\nIncludes those fields which are previously being maintained as crop producing areas and have vegetation cover at the time of imagery acquisition.\nA\tRow Crops - Includes those fields with vegetation cover that show distinct striations.\nB\tCover Crops - Includes those obviously tended fields with vegetation cover, but no striations.\nC\tBog Crops - Includes cranberries.\n212\tPasture\nIncludes onlv those fields or areas in which livestock or distinct signs of livestock grazing can be detected, such as trails, watering tanks, corrals, salt licks and/or supplemental feeding stations.\n213\tIdle Fields\nIncludes areas that were previously cultivated in the past, but do not show signs of current cultivation or grazing. If shrubs and trees are present, use Category 32.\n214\tPlowed, Unvegetated Fields\n215\tTruck Crops\nAreas of intense cultivation with mixed crops in relatively small fields. Generally in agricultural areas and commercially oriented.\n216\tGardens\nIncludes home and community gardens.\n\n220\tOrchards/Nurseries/Horticulture\n\n221\tFruit and Nut Trees\n222\tFruit Bushes\n223 \tVineyards\n224\tGreenhouses\n225\tNurseries/Floriculture\n\n230\tConfined Feeding Operations/Feedlots/Holding Areas\n\n231\tCattle\n232\tPoultry\n233\tHogs\n234 \tHorses\n235\tSheep/Goats\n239\tOther\n240\tFarmsteads and Farm Related Buildings\nFarm ponds are in Category 536.\n\n290\tOther Agricultural \n\n291 \tFish Hatcheries\n\n300 Rangeland\n\n310 Herbaceous Rangeland\n\n320 Shrub-Brush Rangeland\n\n330 Mixed Rangeland\n\n400\tForestland\n\n410\tDeciduous Forest\n\n411\tDeciduous Forest\n412\tLogged - Partial/Select Cut\n413\tRecently Replanted - Deciduous\n\n420\tEvergreen Forest\n\n421\tEvergreen Forest\n422\tLogged - Partial/Select Cut\n423\tRecently Replanted - Evergreen\n\n430\tMixed Forest\n\n431\tMixed Forest\n432\tLogged - Partial/Select Cut\n433\tRecently Replanted - Mixed\n\n440\tClear-Cut\nIncludes those areas obviously related to commercial timbering operations where all trees have been removed.\n\n441\tBarren Clear-cut\nGround surface totally denuded of vegetation cover.\n442\tNon-barren Clear-cut\nAll trees removed; shrubs, forbs and/or grasses still present.\n\n500\tWater\n\n510\tWaterways, Streams, and Canals\nIncludes rivers, creeks and other linear water bodies. The boundary between streams and other bodies of water is the straight line across the mouth of the stream, up to a width of 1.85 km. Where a watercourse is interrupted by a water control structure, the impounded area will be placed in the Reservoirs (531) Category \n\n511\tRivers/Streams/Creeks/Bayous\n512\tCanals\n\n520\tNatural Lakes and Ponds\nUnless collateral data is available, no distinction can be made between fresh and salt water lakes. Salt ponds are located near the sea coast, inland of a barrier dune or dunes. Salt lakes are formed by evaporation in basins of interior drainage.\n\n521\tFreshwater Lakes and Ponds\n522\tSalt Lakes\n\n523\tSalt Ponds\n\n530\tMan-Made Reservoirs and Impoundments\n\n531\tReservoirs\nIncludes any man-made impoundment, lake or pond that does not fall into one of the following categories.\n532\tMined Areas Reservoirs\nIncludes only water captured by mined depressions and/or water present because the bottom of the excavation is lower than the groundwater level.\n533\tLagoons/Basins\nIncludes any man-made impoundment used specifically for waste liquids and/or the cooling of liquids.\n534\tDrainage Catchment Basin\nIncludes acid mine and storm water runoff catchments.\n535\tTrailing Ponds\nRevetted areas that receive a slurry of crushed or powdered rock and water. Associated with primary ore processing.\n536\tFarm Ponds\n\n540\tBays and Coves\n\n590\tOther\n\n591\tOpen Ocean\n\n600\tWetlands\n\n610\tForested Wetlands\n\n611\tDeciduous\n612\tEvergreen\n613\tMixed\n\n620\tNon-Forested Wetlands\n\n700\tBarren Lands\n\n710\tSalt Flats\n\n720\tBeaches and River Banks\n\n721\tBeaches\n722\tRiverbanks/Flood Plains\n723\tMud Flats\n\n730\tInland Natural Sandy Areas\n\n731\tDunes\n732\tDry Water Courses\n\n740\tBare Exposed Rock\n\n750\tExtraction\n\n751\tStrip Mines\n751A\tAbandoned Strip Mines\n752\tStone Quarries\n752A\tAbandoned Quarries\n753\tSand and Gravel\n753A\tAbandoned Sand/Gravel\n754\tNon-Strip Mined Minerals (Open Pit Mining)\n754A\tAbandoned Non-strip Mined Minerals\n755\tSlag/Spoil Piles\n759\tOther\n\n760\tTransitional \nMay include cleared, filled, and graded areas, and new road networks.\n\n761\tFuture Residential\n762\tFuture Commercial/Institutional\n763\tFuture Industrial\n764\tFuture Transportation/Communication\n765\tFuture Water Project\n766\tFuture Utilities\n768\tUnidentifiable\n769\tOther Transitional\n", "summary": "The following is a version of the Anderson Land Use/Land Cover classification adopted by Penn State University (Land Analysis Lab) for the Chesapeake Bay Basin Land Cover/Land Use Monitoring and Assessment Study. ", "title": "LANDUSE_Landcover", "tags": [ "Environmental", "Planning", "York County", "Landcover", "Pennsylvania" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -77.1403645561769, 39.7110269890661 ], [ -76.2293085813004, 40.2294584159567 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_Pennsylvania_South_FIPS_3702_Feet", "accessInformation": "YCPC", "licenseInfo": "" }