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Service Description: 100 Urban or Built-Up Land
110 Residential
High to low density urban residential and linear development along roads and shorelines. Also includes residential areas on military bases and school grounds, when larger than minimum mapping unit. Includes associated structures, driveways and lawn areas.
111 Single Family Dwellings
112 Multi-Family Dwellings
Includes duplexes, 4-plexes, apartment buildings and high rises.
113 Group Quarters
Includes nursing homes, barracks and dormitories.
114 Mobile Home Parks/Courts
119 Other Residential
120 Commercial
Areas used predominantly for the sale of products and services.
121 Retail Sales/Wholesale/Professional Services
Includes stores, shopping strips and malls, motels, restaurants, office buildings and associated driveways, sheds, landscaped areas and parking lots under the minimum mapping unit.
122 Vehicle Related Activities
Includes garages, vehicle sales, gas stations and auto paint and body shops.
123 Junk/Salvage Yards
Includes auto junkyards, scrap metal salvage operations, and related activities.
125 Warehouses and Temporary Storage
129 Other Commercial
130 Industrial
131 Primary Processing at Extraction Site and Extraction Equipment
Includes processing facilities, loading devices, access roads, stockpiles, storage sheds and parking lots found at resource extraction sites, including oil, gas, ore, coal, timber.
132 Light Industry
Focused on design, assembly, finishing, processing and packaging of products. Generally have few to no lagoons, stockpiles of raw materials or waste disposal areas.
133 Heavy Industry Uses raw materials. Stockpiles, lagoons, waste disposal areas, transportation facilities for bulk products are often present.
C - Chemical Related - plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc.
P - Petroleum Related - refining
M - Metals - refining, shaping
W - Wood Processing - pulp and paper, sawmills, wood treatment
B - Brick, Concrete, Block
134 Electrical Generation
N - Nuclear
0 - Oil
G - Gas
C - Coal
H - Hydro-Electric
135 Tank Farms and Materials Storage
Includes tank farms, stockpiles and bins of materials away from industrial facilities and/or larger than the minimum mapping unit.
136 Industrial Waste Treatment/Recycling, Facilities
137 Inactive/Dismantled Industrial Site
139 Other Industrial
140 Transportation/Communication
141 Highways/Roads/Access Roads/Freeways/Interstates
142 Parking Lots
Only those parking lots that exceed the minimum mapping unit.
143 Railroads
X - Dismantled Railroads
Y - Railyards, Repair Facilities
Includes stations, parking lots, and repair and switching yards.
144 Airports
Includes runways, intervening land, terminals, service buildings, navigational aids, fuel storage, parking lots and a limited buffer zone.
145 Communications - antennas
146 Marinas/Port Facilities/Docks
149 Other Transportation/Communication
150 Utilities
Facilities involved in treatment, transportation, and delivery of water, gas, oil, and electricity.
151 Water Treatment
Does not include reservoirs.
152 Sewage Treatment Plants
153 Power Substations
186 Religious
187 Municipal Services
Includes police and fire stations.
188 Road repair and Maintenance Yard
189 Other Institutional/Governmental
190 Recreational
191 Large Single Structure
Includes stadiums and race tracks.
192 Multiple Structure
Includes fairgrounds, amusement parks, zoos, and piers.
193 Open Urban
Includes parks, playgrounds, golf courses, athletic fields, drive-in theaters and swimming pools.
194 Open Rural
Includes ski areas and camp grounds.
195 Public Beaches
Includes only those beaches with associated boardwalks.
199 Other Recreational
200 Agriculture
210 Cropland and Pasture
211 Cropland
Includes those fields which are previously being maintained as crop producing areas and have vegetation cover at the time of imagery acquisition.
A Row Crops - Includes those fields with vegetation cover that show distinct striations.
B Cover Crops - Includes those obviously tended fields with vegetation cover, but no striations.
C Bog Crops - Includes cranberries.
212 Pasture
Includes onlv those fields or areas in which livestock or distinct signs of livestock grazing can be detected, such as trails, watering tanks, corrals, salt licks and/or supplemental feeding stations.
213 Idle Fields
Includes areas that were previously cultivated in the past, but do not show signs of current cultivation or grazing. If shrubs and trees are present, use Category 32.
214 Plowed, Unvegetated Fields
215 Truck Crops
Areas of intense cultivation with mixed crops in relatively small fields. Generally in agricultural areas and commercially oriented.
216 Gardens
Includes home and community gardens.
220 Orchards/Nurseries/Horticulture
221 Fruit and Nut Trees
222 Fruit Bushes
223 Vineyards
224 Greenhouses
225 Nurseries/Floriculture
230 Confined Feeding Operations/Feedlots/Holding Areas
231 Cattle
232 Poultry
233 Hogs
234 Horses
235 Sheep/Goats
239 Other
240 Farmsteads and Farm Related Buildings
Farm ponds are in Category 536.
290 Other Agricultural 291 Fish Hatcheries
300 Rangeland
310 Herbaceous Rangeland
320 Shrub-Brush Rangeland
330 Mixed Rangeland
400 Forestland
410 Deciduous Forest
411 Deciduous Forest
412 Logged - Partial/Select Cut
413 Recently Replanted - Deciduous
420 Evergreen Forest
421 Evergreen Forest
422 Logged - Partial/Select Cut
423 Recently Replanted - Evergreen
430 Mixed Forest
431 Mixed Forest
432 Logged - Partial/Select Cut
433 Recently Replanted - Mixed
440 Clear-Cut
Includes those areas obviously related to commercial timbering operations where all trees have been removed.
441 Barren Clear-cut
Ground surface totally denuded of vegetation cover.
442 Non-barren Clear-cut
All trees removed; shrubs, forbs and/or grasses still present.
500 Water
510 Waterways, Streams, and Canals
Includes rivers, creeks and other linear water bodies. The boundary between streams and other bodies of water is the straight line across the mouth of the stream, up to a width of 1.85 km. Where a watercourse is interrupted by a water control structure, the impounded area will be placed in the Reservoirs (531) Category 511 Rivers/Streams/Creeks/Bayous
512 Canals
520 Natural Lakes and Ponds
Unless collateral data is available, no distinction can be made between fresh and salt water lakes. Salt ponds are located near the sea coast, inland of a barrier dune or dunes. Salt lakes are formed by evaporation in basins of interior drainage.
521 Freshwater Lakes and Ponds
522 Salt Lakes
523 Salt Ponds
530 Man-Made Reservoirs and Impoundments
531 Reservoirs
Includes any man-made impoundment, lake or pond that does not fall into one of the following categories.
532 Mined Areas Reservoirs
Includes only water captured by mined depressions and/or water present because the bottom of the excavation is lower than the groundwater level.
533 Lagoons/Basins
Includes any man-made impoundment used specifically for waste liquids and/or the cooling of liquids.
534 Drainage Catchment Basin
Includes acid mine and storm water runoff catchments.
535 Trailing Ponds
Revetted areas that receive a slurry of crushed or powdered rock and water. Associated with primary ore processing.
536 Farm Ponds
540 Bays and Coves
590 Other
591 Open Ocean
600 Wetlands
610 Forested Wetlands
611 Deciduous
612 Evergreen
613 Mixed
620 Non-Forested Wetlands
700 Barren Lands
710 Salt Flats
720 Beaches and River Banks
721 Beaches
722 Riverbanks/Flood Plains
723 Mud Flats
730 Inland Natural Sandy Areas
731 Dunes
732 Dry Water Courses
740 Bare Exposed Rock
750 Extraction
751 Strip Mines
751A Abandoned Strip Mines
752 Stone Quarries
752A Abandoned Quarries
753 Sand and Gravel
753A Abandoned Sand/Gravel
754 Non-Strip Mined Minerals (Open Pit Mining)
754A Abandoned Non-strip Mined Minerals
755 Slag/Spoil Piles
759 Other
760 Transitional May include cleared, filled, and graded areas, and new road networks.
761 Future Residential
762 Future Commercial/Institutional
763 Future Industrial
764 Future Transportation/Communication
765 Future Water Project
766 Future Utilities
768 Unidentifiable
769 Other Transitional
Map Name: LANDUSE_Landcover
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
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Service Item Id: 2a1615de6eb344e1a7ed9d6351ba8017
Copyright Text: YCPC
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 2162460.1641056426
YMin: 131893.5917998874
XMax: 2370669.507007461
YMax: 336367.121132893
Spatial Reference: 102729
Full Extent:
XMin: 2140000.000104055
YMin: 141218.521293059
XMax: 2393129.671009049
YMax: 327042.1916397214
Spatial Reference: 102729
Units: esriFeet
Document Info:
Title: Map
Keywords: Environmental,Planning,York County,Landcover,Pennsylvania
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
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