| Airports |
| Bare Exposed Rock |
| Barren Clear-cut |
| Barren Lands |
| Built Up Residential |
| Cemetery |
| Commercial |
| Communications - antennas |
| Confined Feeding Operations/Feedlots/Holding Areas |
| Cropland |
| Cropland and Pasture |
| Deciduous Forest |
| Electrical Generation |
| Evergreen Forest |
| Extraction |
| Farmsteads and Farm Related Buildings |
| Fish Hatcheries |
| Forested Wetlands |
| Freshwater Lakes and Ponds |
| Fruit and Nut Trees |
| Future Commercial/Institutional |
| Future Industrial |
| Future Residential |
| Future Transportation/Communication |
| Greenhouses |
| Group Quarters |
| Heavy Industry |
| Herbaceous Rangeland |
| Highways/Roads/Access Roads/Freeways/Interstates |
| Idle Fields |
| Industrial Waste Treatment/Recycling, Facilities |
| Junk/Salvage Yards |
| Large Single Structure |
| Light Industry |
| Man-Made Reservoirs and Impoundments |
| Mixed Forest |
| Mixed Rangeland |
| Mobile Home Parks |
| Multi_Family Dwellings |
| Multiple Structure |
| Municipal Services |
| Non-Forested Wetlands |
| Nurseries/Floriculture |
| Open Rural Park |
| Open Urban Park |
| Orchards/Nurseries/Horticulture |
| Other Agricultural |
| Other Institutional/Governmental |
| Other Recreational |
| Parking Lots |
| Pasture |
| Power Substations |
| Primary Processing at Extraction Site and Extraction Equipment |
| Public Beaches |
| Railroads |
| Recreational |
| Religious |
| Retail Sales/Wholesale/Professional Services |
| Rivers/Streams/Creeks/Bayous |
| Road repair and Maintenance Yard |
| Sewage Treatment Plants |
| Shrub-Brush Rangeland |
| Single-Family Dwellings |
| Stone Quarries |
| Strip Mines |
| Transitional |
| Urban or Built-Up Land |
| Utilities |
| Vehicle Related Activities |
| Vineyards |
| Warehouses and Temporary Storage |
| Water |
| Water Treatment |
| Wetlands |
| <all other values> |